국내 최초의 탐정 전문자격 “PIA탐정사” 운영기관인 한국특수교육재단/한국공인탐정협회와 부동산 자산관리 전문 교육기관인 “국민부자협동조합” 은 지난 7일 서울 종로 한국특수교육재단 대회의실에서 탐정 및 부동산 자산관리 공·경매 관련 전략적 업무제휴 협약(MOU)을 체결하였다.
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이날 협약식에는 한국특수교육재단/한국공인탐정협회 하금석 회장, 서울북부대한행정사회 이환수 국장, 한국공인탐정협회 강정석 총괄이사와, 국민부자협동조합 한연숙 이사장, 국민부자협동조합 김성운 사무총장 등이 참석하여 탐정제도 법제화를 앞두고 부동산탐정 전문인력 양성과 국내 탐정업 발전과 전문자격 및 전문인력 양성 및 정보·자료 교육 교류 등 상호 발전을 위하여 노력하기로 하는 뜻있는 만남을 가졌다.
한국공인탐정협회는 우리나라 탐정 분야에서 가장 오랜 역사를 가지고 한국 탐정제도 발전에 개척자 역할을 해오고 있고, 국내외 관련기관 단체와 협력체계를 구축하여 한국 탐정제도 학술연구 교육개발은 물론 전문교재 발간 등 탐정제도 발전 및 경찰청 국회 법제화 추진을 위하여 20여년간 노력하고 있으며, 국내 최초 탐정 자격이자 자격기본법에 의거 경찰청 및 한국직업능력연구원에 등록(제2009-1호)된 PIA탐정사 전문 자격취득 과정을 대학교·대학원 최고경영자과정과, 전국 공개시험과정, 탐정업 창업 실무·실습과정 등으로 꾸려 국내 탐정 최다 배출의 대표 탐정 전문인력 양성기관으로 자리매김하고 있다.
이번 부동산탐정 및 부동산투자분석, 자산관리, 공·경매 관련 업무 제휴 협약을 통해 하나가 된 두 단체는 21C 유망직종인 PIA탐정사 자격 및 부동산자산관리 전문인력 양성 교육에 대하여 상호 발전을 위해 노력하기로 하였으며 앞으로의 양 기관의 활약에 큰 기대를 걸고 있다.
국내 최초 탐정 학술연구 교육개발 등 탐정인력 최다 배출...
부동산 탐정 및 자산관리, 공·경매 전문인력 양성 업무 제휴...
또한 두 단체의 회원들은 탐정업에 관한 실무교육이나 전문기술 장비 및 교육시설 등 부동산명탐정 정보 자료수집, 조사 업무까지도 상호 공유할 수 있는 기회가 생김으로써, 탐정업이 신직업 전문직으로 각광받을 수 있고, 국내 부동산탐정, 자산관리 전문인력 양성 등 상호 관련분야 교육에 큰 도움이 될 것으로 전망했다.
제80기를 맞이하는 동국대학교 법무대학원 PIA탐정사 최고경영자과정 입교 희망자는 서류심사 후 결격사유가 발견되지 않으면 언제든지 신청이 가능하며, 기타 자세한 사항은 한국특수교육재단/한국공인탐정협회 홈페이지 또는 전화로 문의하면 자세한 사항을 안내받을 수 있다.[박정호 기자]
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
The Korea Certified Detective Association and the National Wealthy Cooperative signed a business agreement related to PIA detectives and real estate.
The Korea Special Education Foundation/Korea Certified Detective Association, the operating organization of Korea's first professional detective qualification, “PIA Detective Agency,” and the “National Rich Cooperative,” an educational institution specializing in real estate asset management, held a detective and real estate conference at the conference room of the Korea Special Education Foundation in Jongno, Seoul on the 7th. A strategic business partnership agreement (MOU) was signed regarding asset management and public auctions.
The signing ceremony was attended by Ha Geum-seok, chairman of the Korea Special Education Foundation/Korea Certified Detective Association, Lee Hwan-soo, director of the Seoul North Korean Administrative Association, Kang Jeong-seok, general director of the Korea Certified Detective Association, Han Yeon-sook, chairman of the National Wealthy Cooperative, and Secretary General Kim Seong-woon of the National Rich Cooperative. Ahead of the legalization of the detective system, a meaningful meeting was held to strive for mutual development, including training of real estate detective professionals, development of the domestic detective industry, training of professional qualifications and professionals, and exchange of information and data education.
The Korea Certified Detective Association has the longest history in the field of detectives in Korea and has played a pioneering role in the development of the Korean detective system. It has established a cooperative system with related organizations at home and abroad to develop academic research and education on the Korean detective system as well as publish specialized textbooks for detective work. We have been working for over 20 years to develop the system and promote the National Police Agency's legislation in the National Assembly. We have been conducting a PIA detective professional qualification acquisition course at universities and colleges, which is Korea's first detective qualification and registered with the National Police Agency and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education (No. 2009-1) in accordance with the Framework Act on Qualifications. It has established itself as a representative professional detective training institution that produces the largest number of detectives in Korea by offering a graduate school CEO course, a national public examination course, and a practical and practical training course for starting a detective business.
The two organizations, which have become one through this business partnership agreement related to real estate detectives, real estate investment analysis, asset management, and public auctions, will strive for mutual development in terms of PIA detective qualifications, a promising occupation in the 21st century, and real estate asset management professional training. We have high expectations for the future performance of both organizations.
Producing the largest number of detectives, including Korea's first detective academic research and education development...
Partnership to train real estate detectives, asset management, and public/auction experts...
In addition, members of the two organizations have the opportunity to share real estate detective information data collection and investigation work, such as practical training on the detective industry, professional technical equipment and educational facilities, so that the detective industry can be spotlighted as a new profession. , it is predicted that it will be of great help in education in related fields such as domestic real estate detectives and training of asset management professionals.
Those wishing to enter the 80th Dongguk University Graduate School of Law's PIA Detective Agency CEO Program can apply at any time if no grounds for disqualification are found after document screening. For further details, visit the Korea Special Education Foundation/Korea Certified Detective Association website or phone. If you inquire, you can receive detailed information. [Reporter Park Jeong-ho]