파주시산림조합은 전국 142개 산림조합을 대상으로 실시하는 종합경영평가에서 경영우수조합으로 선정 되어 지난 2월 16일 산림조합중앙회 정기표창시상식에서 농림축산식품부장관상인 경영대상을 수상했다.
또한 금융부문에서도 최고의 성과를 달성하여 2023년 산림조합 금융대상도 함께 수상하는 2관왕의 쾌거를 달성했다.
매년 산림조합 각 분야의 업적을 평가하는 종합경영평가는 전국 1위조합에게 농림축산식품부장관상이 수여된다.
파주시산림조합은 지난 2017년도에도 경영대상을 수상한 바 있다.
파주시산림조합은 찾아가는 산림경영지도, 양질의 수묘공급처인 임산물유통센터, 산림자원의 선순환을 위한 미이용산림자원화를 운영하며 산림조합의 새로운 시장 개척에 앞장 서고 있으며 높은 예대율로 안정적인 수익을 창출하고 있는 금융부문에서는 지난해 운정지점을 개점하며 서민금융기관으로서의 역할을 다 하고 있다.
전진옥 조합장은 2,500여 조합원들의 넘치는 성원과, 임직원 모두가 혼연일체가 되어 노력한 성과라며 앞으로도 사유림경영의 대표기관으로서 투철한 사명감과 깨끗한 윤리경영을 바탕으로 조합원에게 더욱 더 사랑받는 조합을 만드는데 노력하겠다고 수상소감을 정했다.[파주=박정호 기자]
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Paju City Forestry Cooperative ranked first in the comprehensive management evaluation of national forestry cooperatives. Received the grand prize from the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
Paju City Forestry Cooperative was selected as an excellent management cooperative in a comprehensive management evaluation conducted on 142 forestry cooperatives nationwide and won the Management Grand Prize, an award from the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, at the National Forestry Cooperatives Federation's regular commendation ceremony on February 16.
In addition, it achieved the best performance in the financial sector and achieved the feat of winning two awards by also winning the 2023 Forestry Cooperative Financial Awards.
Every year, in the comprehensive management evaluation that evaluates the achievements of each field of forest cooperatives, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Award is awarded to the cooperative that ranks first in the country.
Paju City Forestry Association also won the management award in 2017.
Paju City Forestry Cooperative operates on-site forest management guidance, a forest products distribution center that supplies quality seedlings, and unused forest resources for a virtuous cycle of forest resources. It is leading the development of new markets for the Forestry Cooperative and is a financial institution that generates stable profits with a high loan-to-deposit ratio. In the sector, it opened its Unjeong branch last year and is fulfilling its role as a low-income financial institution.
Jeon Jin-ok, the president of the union, expressed his acceptance speech by saying that this was a result of the overwhelming support of the 2,500 union members and the united efforts of all executives and staff members, and that he would continue to strive to create a union that is more loved by members based on a strong sense of mission and clean ethical management as a representative organization for private forest management. It was decided. [Paju = Reporter Park Jeong-ho]