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일산호수공원 다리에서 투신한 여성, 경찰관이 신속하게입수하여 구조
박정호 기자 기사입력 :  2023/10/04 [17:42]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡

추석 당일 남편에게 극단적 선택을 암시하는 말을 한 뒤 실종되었던 50대 여성이 실종 21시간 만에 경찰에 의해 극적으로 구조되었다.


일산동부경찰서에 따르면 주변수색 중 9월 30일 오전 4시경 일산호수공원에서 물에 떠 있는 여성을 발견했다.


A씨는 우울증을 앓고 있는 환자로 모두가 행복해야할 추석 당일 오전 7시경 휴대폰을 꺼둔 채 집을 나섰고 연락이 되지 않자 걱정하던 남편이 112에 신고하였다.


A씨는 이틀 전에도 서울 양화대교에서 극단적 선택을 하여 구조된 이력이 있어 이점을 착안, 일산 호수공원 호수교 일대를 집중 수색하던 중 실종 다음날인 오전 4경 다리에서 뛰어내려 물에 떠 있는 A씨를 발견하고 즉시 입수하여 구조하였다.


경찰은 A씨가 심각한 저체온 증상을 보여 119를 통해 신속하게 일산병원으로 응급수송 하였고 장시간 경찰의 끈질긴 수색으로 소중한 생명을 구할 수 있었다.[고양=박정호 기자]


 *아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>Woman jumps from


Ilsan Lake Park bridge, police officer Quick acquisition and rescue


A woman in her 50s who went missing on Chuseok day after making comments to her husband suggesting an extreme choice was dramatically rescued by the police 21 hours after she went missing.


According to Ilsan Eastern Police Station, during a search of the area, a woman was found floating in the water at Ilsan Lake Park around 4 a.m. on September 30.


Ms. A is a patient suffering from depression. At around 7 a.m. on Chuseok, a day when everyone should be happy, she left her house with her cell phone turned off, and when she could not be contacted, her worried husband called 112.


Mr. A had a history of being rescued from Yanghwa Bridge in Seoul two days ago after making an extreme choice, so taking this advantage into consideration, while conducting an intensive search in the area of the lake bridge at Ilsan Lake Park, Mr. A was found floating in the water after jumping from the bridge around 4 a.m., the day after his disappearance. He was immediately captured and rescued.


The police quickly transported Mr. A to Ilsan Hospital through 119 because he showed symptoms of severe hypothermia, and the police's persistent search for a long time saved his precious life. [Goyang = Reporter Park Jeong-ho]


Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital holds an opening ceremony for the infertility and depression counseling center in the northern Gyeonggi region.




Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital announced on the 27th that it will hold an opening ceremony for the 'Northern Gyeonggi Region Infertility and Depression Counseling Center' on October 5th in the main auditorium on the 5th floor of Dongguk University Hospital. Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital was the only infertility and depression center in the northern Gyeonggi region last July. The counseling center was finally selected as the entrusted organization for establishment and operation.




After about three months of preparation, it was finally opened. The opening ceremony will be attended by officials from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Gyeonggi Province, Goyang City, members of the National Assembly, local clinics, and hospital officials. Meanwhile, the Infertility and Depression Counseling Center is currently located at the central center. One site (National Medical Center) and a total of six regional centers (Gyeonggi, Incheon, Gyeongbuk, Jeonnam, and Daegu) have been operated.




Now that the center has opened in the northern Gyeonggi region, it is expected that residents of the northern Gyeonggi Province will be able to receive counseling conveniently. Professor Kim Hee-seon of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, who served as the first center director, said, “The infertility and depression counseling center in the northern Gyeonggi region targets infertility patients, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. , and provides specialized and “We plan to provide specialized mental health promotion counseling services,” he said. [Goyang = Reporter Park Jeong-ho]

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일산동부경찰서 관련기사목록
  • 일산호수공원 다리에서 투신한 여성, 경찰관이 신속하게입수하여 구조
  • 일산동부경찰서, 명예경찰소년소녀단과 함께 불법촬영 합동점검 실시
  • 365일 안전하고, 36.5°c 따뜻한 학교